Well for years after BIM – Building Information Model has gone as a standard practice on CAD generated Projects such as AutoCAD™, Revit™, ArchiCAD™ and Allplan™ to mention a few but most renown ones for the AEC Industry, and now being able to extract Tables and Reports containing information linked to graphic entities or objects within a 3D Model. A natural next step is to be able to manage such information coming out from Classifications and or Properties to be used by a BIM Management platform such as Plannerly™ or a Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) like BEST-CMMS™.
Using ” The Industry Foundation Classes ” (IFC) data model is intended to describe architectural, building and construction industry data. It is a platform neutral, open file format specification that is not controlled by a single vendor or group of vendors, with use of applications like BIMcollab is a BCF-based issue management system in the cloud. It bridges the gap between BIM applications by offering integration’s for all popular BIM tools or xBIM which is a .NET Windows application running on WPF that demonstrates how to use some of the APIs of the toolkit.
In order to facilitate Collaboration between all disciplines in the AEC Industry.